Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2 Sick Boys

The boys are home again today with a low fever; just enough of a fever that they can't go to school, but not enough to really make them miserable. Which, in turn, makes my days very long! We shouldn't really go anywhere, after all I have kept them home from school, so we are stuck in the house-again! Today we filled the day with lots of Wii-probably more than they play in a month-books, and Legos. Colby has become such a great reader, he will often sit and read book after book to Brayden. Reading is one of those milestones that when they begin to effortlessly read any book they choose, it makes you take a step back and think, "When did that happen?" I often find the boys sitting together in that little glider, that same one I rocked them all to sleep in as babies, reading books, laughing and having a great time together. Could somebody please figure out how to slow down time?

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