Sunday, December 20, 2009

Letters to Santa

Here is the children's letter to Santa this year...written by CC...

Dear Santa,
I can't wait for Christmas.  It's my favorite holiday.  I love all the food and happiness, but Colby and Brayden can't wait for their presents!  Brayden says he really wants a blue camera and a 2-wheel scooter.  He also wants a webkinz to put on the computer.  The last thing he want is something to paint your car.  He called it a paint your car thing, but no one knows what it actually is.  Colby wants a snowboard that he can ride  down the front hill.  He also wants juggling balls and Lincoln logs.  The last thing he want is a 3-lane Super Speedway.  I don't know what it is but is sounds like something he would really want.  Jess wants a pain white shirt to match some of her pants.  She also wants a nice every day outfit.  I want a digital camera because I think it would be so much fun to take my own pictures.  I want a flashlight too because it's a good thing to have that I don't have.  I also want a sewing machine.  I love to sew and make my own clothes. The thing I want most is diablos.  They seem like so much fun and I would love to throw it up in the air really high and catch it.  Thank-You so much for making Christmas special!  Merry Christmas!

Cecilia, Colby, Brayden

PS I hope you like the cookies and carrots for the reindeer!

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