Wednesday, July 28, 2010

You & Me Trips

Brayden had his first You & Me Trip this year!  We started doing these trips a couple of years ago and they have been a big success.  Troy or I take one of the kids for the weekend and go on a mini-trip.  The kids pick where they want to go, and want they want to eat (which means there is lots of McDonalds and Friendly's when we are with the boys-ugh).  You have to be 5 before you get to on a trip, so this was Brayden's first!  It was a blast!  We started off with a trip to McDonalds for dinner and then a trip to Toys R Us.

On Saturday morning we got ready to head off to Dinsoaur Crossing in Montville, CT.  It is a great place with a playground, huge splashpad, gem hunting in a mine, and a dinosaur trail complete with dinosaur's scattered throughout the trail.  He is very excited about dinoasurs now since he started watching Dinosaur Train on PBS, so this was the perfect spot for his You & Me Trip.  He had a great time doing all these things, he especially loved the hike, and mining for gems.

After Dinosaur Crossing, we returned to the hotel for a night of swimming in the pool, pizza and soda, and watching Shrek 2 in bed with popcorn.  Could there be anything better for an almost 5 year old?

Finally, Brayden had his first trip to Chuckee Cheese on Sunday morning.  He LOVED it and especially loved getting tickets and all the things he could buy with them. 

 Then we played one round of mini-golf and were back home to be sure he got his Wii time in.  It was a great trip!  Next up, CC and Mom for shopping, Gillette Castle, Mystic Village, Titanic exhibit, and Cirque Dreams show!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Goodies

The homemade gifts from the kids on Mother's Day are always so cute and sweet, and are given with such love.  This year, Brayden made a sweet little frame at preschool with his picture in it, Colby made me a necklace with clay beads and also a picure that said, "I appreciate you because you make me dinner!"  I had to inquire with him about this as he usually does not like my dinners as it is not either peanut butter and fluff or macaroni and cheese; and he explained that I make him eat healthy and that is good for him (even though he doesn't like it!)  CC made a beautiful sunflower with the sweetest poem on the back...I will cherish is always!  (Especially when she has that tween attitude cranking out of her!)  Here is her poem:

My Mom
Caring, Cheerful, Patient
Who loves relaxing at the beach, yummy hot chocolate, and helping us in any way she can
Who needs loving children, warm hugs when I get home from school, and kisses before bedtime
Who is known for being a great teacher, a wonderful athlete, and helping out at school
Who gives lots of love and care every second of the day, kind comments when I do great things, and the best life a child could ever have
Who fears slimy snakes, spinning rides that make her sick, and my brothers or me getting hurt
Who wishes for warm weather in the winter, more time to scrapbook, and that we won't grow up
Mother to Cecilia, Colby, and Brayden
Delightful, grateful, and brave

Friday, April 16, 2010

Oldies but goodies...

It is a somewhat damp, cold, spring day here, so we pulled out the play-dough.  CC is home sick, but recovering, and we needed something quiet and calm to play with.  I think Play-dough is one of those great toys that never goes out of style.  I remember playing with it as a child, and I am willing to bet that someday my children's children will play with it as well.  As I sit here writing this, the kids are still happily playing away with the play-dough.  I don't pull it out too often as it makes a tremendous mess, but the 2 hours of happy, occupied children is so worth it!  Brayden especially loves the barber...I think we had that guy when we were growing up!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


CC had her 4th dance competition of the year last weekend.  They continue to go well, and this weekend she got large trophy for her tap solo.  (Now, she was the only one in her age group, but you did have to finish with a High Gold ranking to win a technically she did earn it!)  She also received the judges award for "terrific tapping" which was against all the other tappers, so she was thrilled with that award!  Here she is with her trophy...notice the curlers in her hair as she is getting ready for her next dance of the day!

Her other three dances; her group jazz, group acro, and group tap finished the competition 1st, 2nd, and 4th.  They almost swept it!  It was a great day, all the girls did wonderful!


Basketball season at the YMCA has finished for the year!  Yippee, one more thing crossed off the list!  (Although, Little League will be starting soon, so it really is just onto the next thing!)  Colby had a great basketball season and even made a few baskets, a couple of them were even a "Swish"!  At the Y, the kids had to pass the ball three times before they could shoot, so if you were lucky enough to be passed to on that third pass, you could take a shot.  Colby was a little frustrated that there was no stealing the ball away at this age, as it is one of his favorite things to do when we play ball together, but all that will come with time.

After his last game, we treated him to McDonalds, he was thrilled to get his ice-cream sundae, and Brayden and Daddy loved sharing their chocolate shake!  :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Looking for Leprechauns...

Colby was so bummed yesterday after school because ALL of the kids in his class saw a Leprechaun yesterday at school, except him!  He was bound and determined to find on one after school.  He looked all around the yard, and put out chocolate gold coins to help entice the leprechaun out of his hiding place.  But, sadly for Colby, he did not see one.

Last night, while Colby was sleeping, a leprechaun came and took the gold coins, and must of spilled some of his magical leprechaun dust!  Colby was so excited to find a trail of gold and green magic dust in the yard.  He also found a tiny little hole, and thinks that must be where the leprechaun came from!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kindergarten Registration :(

Sigh...I signed up Brayden for Kindergarten yesterday.  I have been trying to figure out how it is possible that nearly 5 years have flown by since he arrived in this world (a week late).  How is it that in what seems like a couple years at the most, this little guy has learned to crawl, walk, talk, eat, use the potty, change his own clothes, make his bed, brush his teeth, write his name, make his bed, shoot baskets, pump his legs on the swings, and nearly swim across the pool?  In a few short months, I will be putting him on the bus and my baby will be off to kindergarten.  Sigh, again.  I just can't believe it.

Brayden often puts his hands on my cheeks, turns my head so that he is looking straight into my eyes and says, "Mom, I will still give you hugs and kisses when I'm big"...I hope he does!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Love the Black and Gold...but hate the cold!

Well, we have returned from our trip to Iowa.  It was a great trip, the traveling went well (minus the 3 hour car ride from 8:30-11:30 at night with the three kids smashed into the backseat of the rental car), we saw lots of friends and family, saw two Iowa Hawkeye events at Carver, and the kids had a little getaway to an indoor water park.  We had a great time seeing the Hawks at Carver with Great-Grandpa and Grandma D, all the kids loved the arena and of the big ice cream cones!  Brayden loved Herky...

and Colby got to participate in a slam dunk contest at half time of the women's basketball game!  This was his second attempt and he made it!  (Note the cheerleaders reaction in the background!)  :)

It was a great trip to Carver!

So, all in all a great trip!  I did decide, however, that although we love you all in Iowa, it is TOO COLD there for me!  I struggle with the weather where we live, there is no way I could make it through an Iowa winter-YIKES!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

4 1/2 years old

Wow, where does the time go!  Brayden turns 4 1/2 today!  Why can't they stay little longer??

And, speaking of time flying by...I had my first feeling of, "Wow...I really am getting old" last night at the grocery store.  I was purchasing my groceries and this nice "kid" who was the cashier says to me, "Did you used to teach Kindergarten?"  I replied yes, I did.  "Wow", he says, " You were my kindergarten teacher.  I'm a SENIOR in high school now!"  What!!!!!  How can that possibly be that my sweet little kindergartners are now graduating from High School.  The only explanation I can muster up, is that I must really be starting to get old...there is no denying it now, the wheels of time have begun.  And, come to think of it, when I was getting my hair cut last weekend, I kept looking at the young 20-something cutting my hair and was amazed at how SHE didn't have any lines under her eyes; no dark circles, no bags, certainly no wrinkles, just smooth, beautiful skin.  I guess those days are over for good.  So-Long youth, hello middle-age!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Yummy, yum, yum!

Brayden and I made our first recipe from the new "Kaduce-Bruhl" cookbook this morning.  (Thanks, Mom!)  We wanted a dessert for tonight so we decided to try Lonn's "Not-so-bad-for-you Chocolate Caramel Oatmeal Bars".  Brayden loves to help cook, and had fun stirring, pouring, and sampling this yummy dessert.  I am not so sure about the "not so bad for you part", I guess it does have applesauce in it, but I think the chocolate chips, brown sugar, and caramel sauce pretty much cancel out that 1/2 cup of applesauce!  :)  It was great making a family recipe, that cookbook will get lots of use over the years!

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Basement

So, the basement is coming along.  We have the new couch that I absolutely LOVE!!!!!  We can all fit on it comfortably to watch our "Sunday Night Movie".  (Free Willy 2 will be showing this week-Colby's pick)  It is comfy, cozy, and also works great for people to sit on when we have some serious Wii competitions happening!  I added the yellowish colored pillows, as the basement needed an accent color and I got the big look of dread when I mentioned painting the basement (again).  So, we are keeping the paint the same, for now, and I am just adding some touches of color.  Here are a few pictures...

The new tv stand and tv area still need some work.  I need a couple of black bookcases and some more accessories for that area.  Troy and I are each picking a movie poster to hang, his is the Back to the Future poster, and I am still trying to decide on mine.

My scrapbook area is coordinated as well.  I made this "cheap" artwork by buying 12x12 canvases for 50% off, and then just used modge pod to attach some of my scrapbooking paper that coordinated with the colors of the room.

Finally, we have made a little reading corner with the old couch.  It still looks old, but I tried to spruce it up a bit with new throw pillows, a blanket and new artwork.

We also are going to continue to add to the kids' Artwork Wall.  So far, is has come along nicely, and I love seeing it every time a go the the basement.  We just got all three of their handprints up, they are so sweet!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Gosh Mom, These are Swell!

Sometimes after a long week, there is nothing like a batch of good, old-fashioned Toll House cookies.  While Brayden slept on the couch (he has been sick all week-poor guy), I made cookies and Colby read books to me.  It was like something from the 1950's; no technology, no rushing, just good old fashioned cookies, milk, and books.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Favorite Gift...Whoopee Cushion???

Well, I would have to say that this is probably not my proudest parenting moment, but it is pretty funny.  At preschool this morning, all the children were asked to share their favorite gift from the holidays.  It could be from anyone, and could be big or small, but it had to be their most prized, most loved gift.  When Brayden's turn came, he proudly stated that his favorite gift of the holiday season was his Whoopee Cushion that Santa brought for him.  That's right, not the blue camera he was asking for, or the cool red hot wheels scooter, or even the Lego Batman Wii game, but the Whoopee Cushion, that "makes gas noises!"  He told me that both his teachers laughed and laughed, they no doubt did just that!