Tuesday, February 2, 2010

4 1/2 years old

Wow, where does the time go!  Brayden turns 4 1/2 today!  Why can't they stay little longer??

And, speaking of time flying by...I had my first feeling of, "Wow...I really am getting old" last night at the grocery store.  I was purchasing my groceries and this nice "kid" who was the cashier says to me, "Did you used to teach Kindergarten?"  I replied yes, I did.  "Wow", he says, " You were my kindergarten teacher.  I'm a SENIOR in high school now!"  What!!!!!  How can that possibly be that my sweet little kindergartners are now graduating from High School.  The only explanation I can muster up, is that I must really be starting to get old...there is no denying it now, the wheels of time have begun.  And, come to think of it, when I was getting my hair cut last weekend, I kept looking at the young 20-something cutting my hair and was amazed at how SHE didn't have any lines under her eyes; no dark circles, no bags, certainly no wrinkles, just smooth, beautiful skin.  I guess those days are over for good.  So-Long youth, hello middle-age!

1 comment:

  1. There is a silver lining - The 30-something version of you resembles the 20-something version enough to spark the 12-year old memory of a kid who was 6 years old.

    Here's to aging gracefully!
